HGM800S3P800 | HGM800-S3P800F HYUNDAI INT. AUT. HGM800 3P, 65KA 380/415V, 500-800A, LTD 0.63-1XIN, INST 10XIN
XUKR1PSMM12 | Photoelectric sensors XU, color mark, Sn 20 mm, NC, M12 connector
HGM800H3P800 | HGM800-H3P800F HYUNDAI INT. AUT. HGM800 3P, 85KA 380/415V, 500-800A, LTD 0.63-1XIN, INST 10XIN
The DATAKOM model DKG-171 is a low cost, microprocessor controlled unit designed to monitor the 3-phase mains voltages, send remote start command to the generating set and make changeover of both generator and mains contactors. The genset is supposed to be controlled by a Remote Start type control unit.
The front panel mimic diagram provides information about mains and generator power availability as well as contactor positions
HGC400 | Hyundai Magnetic Contactor HGC400
Main, AC/DC – 2NO2NC
Auxilliary, AC/DC – 2NO2NC
Dimensions, AC/DC: 163 x 243 x 203 mm
Weight, AC/DC: 9.2kg
The DKG-117 is a microprocessor controlled synchroscope with programmable synch check relay in a DIN72 front panel mounted package.
The DKG-117 is mainly used in manual genset synchronization applications for synchronization checking between a genset and the genset busbar or between the genset busbar and the mains
XCKMR54D1 | Limit switch, Limit switches XC Standard, XCKMR, stay put crossed rods lever 6 mm, 2x(2 NC), slow, Pg13
XCMD41F2L5EX | Limit switch, Limit switches XC Standard, XCMD, roller plunger, 2NC + 2 NO, ATEX/IECEx
XURK1KSMM12 | Photoelectric sensors XU, diffuse, Sn 9 mm, NO or NC, M12 connector
9012GAW6 | Pressure switch 9012G, adjustable scale, 2 thresholds, 5.0 to 250 PSIG