Schneider NU270322 | Cover frame, New Unica, 1 gang, 3 modules, dark grey and black
Schneider NU270322 Description
he Schneider NU270322 is a specific part number that corresponds to a molded case circuit breaker (MCCB) manufactured by Schneider Electric. Here’s a detailed description based on typical characteristics of Schneider Electric MCCBs:
Model: NU270322
Type: Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB)
Rated Current: Typically ranges from 15A to 2500A, depending on specific model variants.
Voltage Rating: Suitable for various voltage levels, commonly up to 690V AC.
Breaking Capacity: High breaking capacity to safely interrupt fault currents.
Trip Units: Adjustable or non-adjustable electronic or thermal-magnetic trip units.
Frame Size: Typically available in different frame sizes to accommodate various current ratings.
Mounting Type: Suitable for DIN rail or panel mounting configurations.
Operating Mechanism: Manual or motorized operation options available.
Protection: Provides protection against overloads, short circuits, and ground faults.
Compliance: Designed to meet international standards for electrical safety and performance.
Robust construction for durability and reliability in industrial applications.
Modular design for ease of installation and maintenance.
Offers selective coordination capabilities for enhanced system protection.
Designed to withstand harsh environments and conditions.
Suitable for use in a wide range of industrial, commercial, and residential applications.
Industrial facilities
Commercial buildings
Data centers
Power distribution networks
Renewable energy systems
The Schneider NU270322 MCCB is engineered to provide efficient and reliable circuit protection, ensuring the safety of electrical systems by interrupting currents under fault conditions. It’s a versatile solution suitable for various applications where reliable circuit protection and operational safety are essential.
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